• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Gibraltar Crime Report For 23rd September 2013

rgpFrom 0630hrs the 23/09/2013 to 0630hrs the 24/09/2013


1 Report of Burglary

1 Report of Arson

1 Report Criminal Damage

3 Reports of Theft



1 Person Arrested for Burglary

1 Person Arrested for Concealment of Tobacco

2 Persons Arrested for Breach of Bail Conditions.



During the period covered 2 Traffic Accidents were reported to police



Sep 23 - Clean Up the World Record Success

cutwThis weekend’s Clean Up the World campaign garnered support from a number of local schools, clubs, associations and Government ministers, including Environment Minister Dr. John Cortes. Art in Movement led the walkers with rhythmic drumming which attracted much attention. Many school children had created signs and banners made from recycled materials especially for the Parade and bright, important messages about protecting the environment were on display and shouted out by the pupils. Once at the Square and after a few words were spoken by organisers and the Minister for the Environment the crowd was entertained by fabulous dance displays by Art in Movement and Danza Academy.

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Sep 23 - Full Support For Gibraltar At Labour Party Conference

The Chief Minister addressed the reception hosted by HM Government of Gibraltar yesterday at the annual Labour Party Conference being held in Brighton. The reception was so well attended that people had to listen to speeches from outside the venue at the Grand Hotel in Brighton. Attending with the Chief Minister were Government Ministers, Samantha Sacramento and Albert Isola.

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Sep 23 - GONHS Voices Concern Over Nature Protection Act Amendment

gonhsThe Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society has expressed concern over reports that the Government of Gibraltar may be taking steps to allow fishing with nets and the raking of sea-beds within BGTW.  The group insists that ‘while the amendment to the Nature Protection Act (NPA) currently proposed does not in itself allow such activity, its introduction suggests that this may be a possibility in the future’.

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