• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

June 26 - Full Text Of Minister Sacramento's Budget Speech

Mr Speaker,

It is a pleasure to address you and set out my budget for the year ahead which follows an extremely busy and productive year. Having had the benefit of being in office 18 months I can proudly say that there has been a marked difference in the work that has been undertaken by my Ministry and my Departments. This year I have an additional portfolio that I have taken over since the said passing of my colleague and very good friend Charles Bruzon. While I do not have the years of wisdom that Charles had, I hope to continue what he started and do him proud in dealing with the Ministry for the Elderly with the same dedication and hard work that I apply when dealing with the rest of my portfolio.

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June 26 - Full Text Of Minister Bossano's Budget Speech

Mr Speaker,

In my budget speech last year I make very clear a number of objectives the principal one of which was increasing the number of Gibraltarians in full-time employment

As I stated in the Viewpoint programme in November last year, based on the records of the employment service, the increase in the number of Gibraltarians in employment in one year was going to exceed that which had taken place in the previous 15 years of GSD government, this has now been confirmed.

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Jun 26 - FSC Receives Investors in People Gold Standard Accreditation

fscA Gold Standard ‘Investors in People’ achievement has been presented to Gibraltar Financial Services Commission following the meeting of 175 evidence requirements for the accreditation.

The FSC first obtained IiP accreditation six years ago and at its previous review, three years ago, was accredited with Silver having met 97 additional indicators of the Standard.  This time round the FSC applied for, and has been granted the Gold standard.  This makes the FSC one of around 20 organisations outside of the UK to have achieved this standard and amongst the top 3% worldwide. The FSC is the second organisation in Gibraltar to have attained the Gold standard.

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