• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Feb 14 - GGR Welcome Civil Partnership Legislation on Valentines Day

ggrThe GGR has today welcomed the recent public announcement regarding the drafting of the proposed Civil Partnership Bill. A spokesman for the group explained that the situation will now move the group towards further discussions with the Government. They added,  ‘we thank Government and the Minister for having facilitated this process in such an open manner. Indeed, after 13 years of campaigning on this matter, it was an emotive and historic moment for us when Minister Sacramento took the trouble to hand over the draft Bill to us in person, rather than through the post.

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Feb 14 - Gibraltar Finance Centre Exhibited at Captive Live UK Conference

finance centreThe Gibraltar Finance Centre recently attended and exhibited at the London based ‘Captive Live UK’ Conference, which concentrates on captive insurance companies. These include insurance companies established with the specific objective of insuring risks emanating from their parent group or groups.

The conference was held on the 12th and 13th of February and attended by over 500 delegates over the two days. The Finance Centre department was one of twenty exhibitors at this industry leading event. The group was represented by Mr. Michael Ashton, Mrs. Nyoka Catania and Mrs. Naduiska Segovia. Mr Ashton acted as a panel speaker at the session "What the domiciles are thinking".

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Feb 14 - Customs Cigarette Seizure

customsCustoms Officers responded to an incident at British Lines Road in the early hours of Saturday morning.

A Spanish registered vehicle was seen travelling at speed in the area and officers of HM Customs gave pursuit. The vehicle’s driver was challenged when he was stopped in the HM Customs holding area and was arrested after a search of the car resulted in the detection of 15,000 cigarettes.

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