• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Feb 07 - Consumer Protection Price Indication Seminars

costaAn information seminar on the introduction of the Indication of Prices and Invoicing Rules 2012 will be hosted at the Eliott Hotel on 19th February 2013 at 2:30 pm. The seminar will be held once again on 21st March 2013 at 2:30pm.

Minister for Commercial Affairs Neil Costa noted that the legislation means that consumers will be able to make better-informed choices regarding the products they buy. He added, ‘we believe that traders will also welcome the balanced approach we have taken in permitting reasonable exemptions for particular types of goods’.

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Feb 07 - Postal Union Letter-Writing Competition

text newsThe Royal Gibraltar Post Office, in association with the Ministry for Culture, the Department of Education, the Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau, the Gibraltar Bookshop and Glass House Trading, is organising the local leg of the Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) International Letter-Writing Competition for 2013.

The competition is open to young people who attend school in Gibraltar and who are less than 15 years on Tuesday 30 April 2013. The UPU International Bureau cannot accept entries sent directly by schools or private individuals.

The 2013 theme is:

“Write someone a letter explaining why water is a precious resource”........

and it ties in with the International Decade for Action “Water for Life” – 2005 to 2015.

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Feb 05 - RGP update: Incident at Naval Hospital Hill

Gibraltar PoliceAttempted Robbery Charge – William Duarte

Officers investigating an incident which took place in the early hours of today, Wednesday 6th February 2013 have arrested and charged a 28 year old man with attempted robbery.

William DUARTE, born on 19th May 1984, of 17 Coelho House was charged with attempted robbery, affray, possession of an offensive weapon, dangerous driving and possession of a controlled drug, approximately 12 grams of Cannabis resin, following an investigation by officers of the Criminal Investigation Department.

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Feb 06 - Child Porn Case - Sentencing

courtsIsaac Benady, a 67 year old, local man who had previously pleaded guilty to one count of possession of indecent images of children and three of distribution of indecent images of children was today sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and four months for each of the latter three counts, all to run concurrently.

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