• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 06 - GHA Uses Leading Lab Information System

ghaComputer systems in laboratories are important to patients and clinicians because they allow paperless requesting of laboratory tests using Unique Patient Identifier Numbers, removing the risks of written errors. And because they provide results online as they become ready making result provision much faster.

The Department of Pathology in the GHA introduced a new laboratory system a year ago. Mr Wayne Acris, Pathology IT lead, has worked in conjunction with other Pathology staff as well as the GHA’s IT team and the software suppliers, Izasa Systelab, to bring the system to a level of development that has resulted in our system setup and functionality to be recognised by the supplier’s software developers as cutting-edge.

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May 06 - Plater Youth Club Hosts Spring Fun Day

plater youth club Plater Youth Club, in conjunction with the RGP, opened its doors to the many young families in our community on Sunday 7th April as part of the Club’s Spring Fun Day. A group of the Club’s younger regulars had also volunteered to help out with the food and refreshments.

A pleasant variety of amusing activities were on offer on the day, comprising superhero demonstrations, different games, treasure hunts, face painting and a fun photo booth experience. Hot dogs and flavoursome drinks were served, much to the delight of many. Ultimately, the Fun Day had proved to be just that – a fun packed and thoroughly enjoyed event for all involved. Bringing about so much joy to young people in particular always corroborates to being a very uplifting and rewarding affair. It is also one of the reasons the Youth Services constantly endeavours to cater, host and partake in such events.

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May 06 - Cycle for Charity

cycling for charityTomorrow a group of five cyclists will carry out a 635 kilometre cycle from Fatima in Portugal in order to collect funds towards local registered charities, Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's and Dementia support groups. The cyclists will average 130 Kms.
The group, made up of Mark Bates, Jimmy Alcantara, Peter Ignacio, Anthony Yusifredo and Ian Howes will arrive back in Gibraltar at around 11.15hrs on Saturday the 11th when they will cycle towards Casemates.

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