• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Sep 06 Commonwealth Parliamentarians back Gibraltar against Spain

Minister Samantha SaramentoAt the 59th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference currently being held inJohannesburg, Minister Samantha Sacramento presented a motion before the plenary session of the conference to seek the support of the Commonwealth countries in relation to unacceptable harassment of Gibraltar by Spain.

The resolution adopted by the assembly reads as follows:

"This Assembly notes with concern the reports of continuing harassment of Gibraltar by Spain, including the creation of lengthy delays at the land frontier between the two countries, the threat of imposing air restrictions and numerous maritime incursions into Gibraltar’s waters by the naval and para-military agencies of the Spanish state and considers that this political pressure on Gibraltar is totally unacceptable and that it must cease immediately.”

The resolution was passed by a huge majority and it provoked widespread support from the assembly and from a number of Commonwealth parliamentarians. UK MPs, the Rt Hon Sir James Paice and the Hon Andrew Percy spoke in full support and encouraged the assembly to vote for the motion. The MPs from the Falkland Islands also expressed full support and stated that they stood ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the people of Gibraltar. The Maltese delegation not only supported the Gibraltar resolution, it further proposed that the parliamentary delegations of the Commonwealth countries that are also members of the EU, namely Malta, the UK and Cyprus, should undertake to raise the matter at EU Parliament level through their respective MEPs.

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Sep 06 Uk Parliamentarians Visit Gibraltar For National Day

Gibraltar National DayIn addition to the Chief Minister and Premiers of other Overseas Territories, Gibraltar will be hosting a large group of peers, Members of Parliament and Members of the European Parliament at this year’s National Day.

Members of the House of Commons include the Rt Hon Simon Hughes, Jim Dobbin, Jack Lopresti, Angus MacNeil, David Morris, Bob Neill, Andrew Rosindell, Alec Shelbrooke, Col Bob Stewart and Dame Angela Watkinson.

Amongst the peers attending are Rt Hon the Lord Kilclooney, Lord Bilston, Baroness Butler-Sloss, Lord Chigley, Lord Rogan, Baroness Hooper and Lord Davies of Coity CBE.

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Sep 05 Latest RG Recruit Pass Out Has Strong Family Ties

Royal Gibraltar RegimentSix new recruits from the Royal Gibraltar Regiment recently passed out at the Infantry Training Centre (ITC) in Catterick.

Pte Attou (18), Pte Barber (18), Pte Drimmie (17), Pte Dunham (18), Pte Makin (20) and Pte Wylie (17) have all successfully completed  their 26 week Combat Infantryman Course. All infantry soldiers in the British Army must complete the course which teaches the soldier a number of skills from war-fighting tactics through to ceremonial drill. It is designed to ensure that the newly qualified solider is fully prepared to join their chosen unit and is ready for operational deployment.

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