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Jan 24 - FSC Welcomes Newest Member as Chairman

fsc member adrian coles The Financial Services Commission has welcomed new Commission Member, Mr Adrian Coles, following his appointment by Financial Services Minister Albert Isola.

Mr Coles is set to replace outgoing FSC Chairman, Alan Whiting who, after nine years at the FSC, reached the end of his permitted tenure as a Commission Member. The outgoing CEO of the FSC, Marcus Killick, on behalf of the staff and Commission thanked Mr Whiting for his years of service to the FSC, the latter ones as its Chairman.

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Jan 23 - Cigarette Seizure At Eastern Beach

A Spanish national was arrested by HM Customs on Devil’s Tower Road at 0815hrs today. He was challenged by Customs when he was seen within the construction site north of the public beach in possession of three large holdalls. He fled the scene and was arrested by officers responding to the incident as he exited the area onto Devil’s Tower Road.

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