• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 08 - PDP Press Release on Floating Hotel - Sunborn

PDP - Floating Hotel SunbornThe PDP acknowledges the efforts of the Government in providing Gibraltar with five star+ accommodation. There is no doubt that Gibraltar will benefit from this product for both tourists and business travellers alike. The floating hotel in itself is a novel concept that has the potential to raise the appeal of Gibraltar to travellers and as a consequence the PDP cautiously welcomes its imminent arrival. The PDP acknowledge the advantages in terms of timing of such a concept. Clearly Gibraltar has been in need of 1st rate Hotel accommodation and there can be no doubt that the building of a new hotel would have taken far longer.

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May 07 - Cycling Proficiency Awards for St. Bernadette’s Users

cyclingThis morning Minister for Equality and Social Services Samantha Sacramento presented a number of service users f St. Bernadette’s Resource Centre with their cycling proficiency awards. Also present at the event was Neighbourhood Policing Officers Chief Inspector Isaac Massias and PC 178 Martinez, who helped the individuals carry out training on a weekly basis. The sessions were based at St Anne’s Middle School and facilitated by PC 178 Martinez.

This project has been made possible due to the donation of bicycles and helmets from NatWest Bank as well as the Disability Society. Another specialised tricycle will be purchased from funds that were raised from the art exhibition at Sacarello’s.

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May 07 - Plater Youth Club Horse-riding Trip

horse riding On Sunday 5th May 2013, a group of young people from Plater Youth Club made the most of a fantastic horse riding day trip. The trip had been organised some time ago with Aventura Equestre, the main horse riding stable in Tarifa. Rebecca Figueras and Kristle Rawlinson accompanied the group on this fun filled day, which had proved to be an unforgettable experience for all involved.

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