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Miss Gibraltar 2013 - the Mayor's Reception - Video

miss gibraltarAs part of the run up to the Miss Gibraltar 2013 Pageant, the 7 contestants yesterday chose their numbers determining the order in which they will parade during the final show. The reception was hosted at the Mayor’s office and brought together last year’s Miss Gibraltar Jessica Baldachino and Princesses Kerrianne Massetti and Christina Ainsworth, with this year’s eager contestants. Number one was chosen by 22-year-old Maroua Kharbouch.

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Apr 11 - KPMG Host Third Successful eGaming Summit

kpmgThis morning gaming giant KPMG held their third annual eGaming summit at the Caleta Hotel. Guests included a vast spectrum of representatives from the gaming sector, as well as a number of individuals working in local telecommunications and regulatory authorities.

The event has become particularly highly regarded as KPMG only host seminars in Gibraltar and the Isle of Mann. Introducing the event was Minister for Gaming Gilbert Licudi. Mr. Licudi touched upon a variety of issues from within the sector; including the proposed UK ’Point of Consumption’ tax.

The Minister insisted, during his speech, that the reputation and standing of Gibraltar’s operators is ‘absolutely first class’. He also suggested that there will soon be a possibility of agreement between US States and other jurisdictions, creating a global market of regulated jurisdictions. These opportunities, he insisted, are the ones that Gibraltar must continue to explore.

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Apr 11 - Governor’s Reception for Gibraltar Award Recipients

governorHis Excellency the Governor, Sir Adrian Johns, will be hosting a Reception at the Convent for all recipients of the Gibraltar Award, formerly known as the Governor’s Certificate and Badge of Honour.

The Reception, which will be held in the garden of the Convent at 6.30pm on Thursday 12th September 2013, is intended to celebrate the achievements of all those who have received the Gibraltar Award since its inception in 1957 and to present holders with a yellow silk lapel rosette which may be worn on informal occasions.

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Apr 11 - Government Takes Steps to Amend Legislation Permitting Same Sex Couples from Adopting

gibraltarThe Gibraltar Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Section 5 (2) of the Adoption Act in Gibraltar violates the Gibraltar Constitution by excluding a claimant in a same sex relationship from applying for an adoption order jointly with their partner.

Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento has today insisted that as a consequence of the court ruling, the Government has begun taking steps to amend the legislation. The Care Agency, which is the body that deals with the recommendations for adoption, is reviewing policies to ensure that they are consistent with this decision.

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