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Nov 07 - Government Says Health Professionals Are “Regulated At Last”

The Government has issued the following statement on a recent amendment passed in Parliament:

A major amendment to the Medical and Health Act 1997 was passed in Parliament last week. Until then, the law only provided mechanisms for registration and control of key players in the health sector such as doctors, nurses, dentists and pharmacists. There was however, a very large vacuum when it came to the allied health professions. As the law stood until last week, practitioners of these professions (which includes Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropodists, Dieticians and Osteopaths) were outside the regulatory framework.

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Nov 07 - Gibraltar Museum At Official Opening Of New UNESCO World Heritage Site In Israel

Professor Clive Finlayson and Dr Geraldine Finlayson have recently returned from Israel. They were invited guests of the Israeli Commission for UNESCO, the Regional Council Hof HaCarmel, the University of Haifa and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, for the ceremony marking the inscription by UNESCO of the Mount Carmel Caves in Nahal Me’arot Nature Reserve as a World Heritage Site. The site is the most recent one reflecting caves and early human occupation to be inscribed by UNESCO and has obvious parallels and affinities with Gibraltar’s own caves.

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Nov 07 - Government Addresses Credit Finance Company Ltd Speculation

gsbFollowing GSD Leader Daniel Feetham’s claims that funds being invested in Credit Finance Company Ltd have huge implications for the future financial stability of the communitythe Government has stated that Mr Feetham’s continued scaremongering can only be put down to a ‘desire to score political points and are of no substance whatsoever’. A statement released by Number 6 has admitted that longer-term deposits in the Savings Bank are being securely invested by the Government via Credit Finance Company Ltd, on terms that enable the Savings Bank Fund to make a reasonable return on its investment and with the maturity dates of such investments being matched with the corresponding maturity dates of deposits in the Savings Bank.

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Nov 07 - GSD Says There Is A “Lack of Government Transparency” Over Commonwealth Park

Opposition MP Selwyn Figueras has today summarized what he regards as the “latest ramblings” of the Minister for the Environment in respect of the Commonwealth Park by saying that: “The Minister clearly won't give us the estimate because he's embarrassed about how much his park is going to cost in the context of a community which was apparently broke a couple of years ago.”

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