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The Budget 2024 – Minister John Cortes’ Address

Below follows Minister John Cortes’ Budget Address:

Madam Speaker, 

I was so pleased that the Deputy Chief Minister yesterday reset the tone after the rather vitriolic contribution from the Leader of the Opposition.

I for my part, to quote the Honourable Mr Azopardi, intend to provide some “glorious positivity”, responsible, but glorious nonetheless, because there are lots of good things happening out there, and people need to know! 

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The Budget 2024 – Deputy Chief Minister’s Address

Below follows the Deputy Chief Minister's Budget Address:

Madam Speaker, 

I have now been elected as a Member of this House for a period which has spanned 26 budgets; thirteen as a Member of the Opposition, followed by thirteen more as a Member of the Government. 

In February, it was therefore an honour to mark twenty-five consecutive years as a Member of this House. 

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