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Nov 22 - Canepa Makes Parliament Ruling on Feetham Complaint that Ministers 'Mis-led Parliament'

parliament During yesterday morning’s Parliament session, Speaker Adolfo Canepa responded to a complaint made by Opposition Daniel Feetham that Government ministers had misled Parliament when answering questions in relation to the Sunborn. Mr. Canepa explained that Mr. Feetham had asked for a Parliament ruling on whether the deliberate mis-leading of Parliament by a member is capable of amounting to a contempt of Parliament.

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Nov 22 - Waste Management Plan Made Public

govtThe revised Gibraltar Waste Management Plan 2013 is now available for public comment and may be viewed at https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/environment/environment or at http://www.environmental- agency.gi/

The purpose of this Waste Management Plan is to provide information on Gibraltar’s current waste (streams) and how it is collected, treated and disposed of. It will provide a framework to enable decisions to be taken for efficient and sustainable waste management of all waste arisings in Gibraltar and contain guidance on waste prevention.

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Nov 22 - Ethiopian Missionaries Needed

missionaries Shane Smith, who works closely with the Gib Mission Africa project, is calling on locals who wish to carry out missionary work in Ethiopia Gambella. Groups would join Father Tesfaye in working with the poorest areas in Ethiopia, providing lessons on language, personal hygiene and the value of human life to members of the community.

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