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Mar 26 - Gibraltarian Author to Feature in Italian Book

drGibraltarian author M. G. Sanchez will be one of the authors featured in a forthcoming book of essays published later this year by the Italian publishing house Neos/ Terrenia. The book will be entitled Ritorno a Babele: prove di globalizzazione (Return to Babel: rehearsing Globalisation) and is being edited by Dr Cristina Trinchero. 

One of the essays in it has been written by Dr. Esterino Adami of the University of Turin and will be entitled La Rocca di Babele: narrazioni e trasformazioni linguistiche in M. G. Sanchez (The Rock of Babel: narratives and linguistic transformations in M. G. Sanchez). 

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Mar 26 - Dance Organisation Revamp

gndoAs part of the GNDOs attempt to revamp the organisation, President Seamus Byrne has announced the new Committee, including vice president, Adrian Lopez and Secretary Belize Cortes. The reshuffle also includes Noemi Chipolina on the Working Committee along with Wendy Garro, Shawn Gonzales and Alfred Rumbo. IT Support will include Elijah Cruz and Alan Pereira.

Commenting on the initiative, Seamus Byrne noted, ‘my aim is to take the GNDO to another level and help our dancing fraternity raise its dance standards. One way to do it will be providing opportunities at competitions in other dance genres other than Show Dance, in Jazz, Modern and Street Dance. And we will also provide educational development programmes through dance workshops, summer schools and the possibility of bringing professional companies.

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Mar 26 - GGR Calls Upon Mayor to Adopt New Attitude Toward LGB Community

ggrIn a hard-hitting but polite Open Letter, Chairman of Equality Rights Group, Felix Alvarez, has called for the post-holder of Mayor of Gibraltar and his or her Office to adopt ‘a new and better attitude towards the LGB community.’

Within the letter Mr. Alvarez recalls the current Mayor, Tony Lima’s, work in honouring ‘diverse sectors and individuals in the community of Gibraltar’, and welcomes his celebration of diversity in distinct areas of our society. He goes on to point out that throughout the past 13 years, and the tenure of a total of 7 Mayors in that period, ‘we have seen no manifestation or sign of similar respect, acknowledgment or inclusion from either yourself presently or from your worthy predecessors in the past’ towards the gay and lesbian community.

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