• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Dec 11 - Works Continue to Develop at Small Berths Marina Site

licudi As works at the site of the 700 small berths marina continue along Coaling Island Minister Licudi visited to view the first caisson being towed and lowered into the sea, as the inaugural works on the wharf get underway.

The caisson is a concrete watertight retaining structure which will have water pumped into it once it is put into place. The water will sink the caisson, allowing it to form the first parts of the wharf structure. The second of many caissons will be completed today, to be fitted tomorrow.

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Dec 11 - Department of Environment Assures Camp Bay Works are Up to Standard

govtFollowing on from a statement released by the Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society expressing concern over emergency works being carried out on the coastal defenses fronting Camp Bay, the Department for Health, Environment, Energy and Climate Change has explained that the material to be used ‘was designed to be limestone of appropriate size and only deposited above the waterline.’

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Dec 11 - Youngsters Invited to Enter European Parliament Competition

charlemagne youth Are you 16-30 years old and do you run a project with a European dimension? Any organisation running a project which promotes Europe among young people is invited to compete for the 8th Charlemagne Youth Prize. Winning projects will not only benefit from recognition and media coverage but also from prize money to further develop the initiative. The closing date for the 2015 competition is 2 February 2015.

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Dec 11 - Feetham 'Inside Out/ Upside Down' Claims Picardo

picardoIn response to the Cabinet reshuffle earlier this week Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham expressed his belief that the move reflected the Chief Minister’s dissatisfaction with his Government.

Commenting on Feetham’s statement, the Chief Minister reflected on the current prosperity of the economy, with Useable Cash Reserves up from £2million to over £50 million.Picardo further reminded Feetham of some of the Government’s flagship projects that are well underway, including the 700 berth marina, the facelift of some of Gibraltar’s Government estates and the Commonwealth Park.

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