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Jan 17 - Western Beach Cigarette Seizure

customsCustoms officers challenged a Spanish National at the North end of Eastern Beach as he made his way towards the frontier fence carrying a large black bag, earlier this week.

The man dropped the bag and attempted to flee the scene but was captured by Customs and arrested after a search of the bag and surrounding area resulted in the find of 9,000 cigarettes.

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Jan 17 Unite The Union - Change Of Hours For Government Departments

unite the union Unite the Union would like to inform it’s members and members of the public that Unite Officials have been in full consultation with the Gibraltar Government and the Human Resources Department with regards the change of hours for Government Departments.

Unite welcomes the Government’s decision to tackle the issue of ‘family friendly’ hours which has been endorsed by Unite for many years. It will not only improve the social lives of our members working in the Civil Service but enhance the service provided by Government Departments to the public with issues such as counters opening for longer hours and throughout lunch being considered.

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