• National Day Events
  • National Day Events

    The Self Determination for Gibraltar Group (SDGG), in conjunction with Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS), is pleased to announce the programme of events for this year’s National Day, to be held on Tuesday 10th September at Casemates Square, John Mackintosh Square and Governor’s Parade. 

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Mar 11 - ESG Urges GFA to Move Proposed Stadium to East Side

esgWith the GFA’s proposed Europa Point Stadium securing itself as a hot topic this month, the Environmental Safety Group has insisted that the site is a ‘far from ideal location’, they add, ‘in environmental terms, the stadium would radically transform an open, peaceful area important for both tourism and the local community. This brutal conversion cannot, in our view, be softened by any redesign. The group also agrees with the Heritage Trust and the many voices from our community, that another site must be found. ‘

The group believes that the construction will cause an immense carbon footprint and urges developers to implement that rainwater collection and renewable energy technology into the design. They believe that several key roads will be closed for long periods during well-attended match days, causing knock on effects to other road systems.

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