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Gibraltar ApesAs part of the ‘Get our monkeys back to nature’ initiative, the Department of the Environment will be using various techniques to dissuade the Barbary Macaques from frequenting urban ‘hot spots.’ As macaques are afraid of loud noises, one of the methods to be used by the Department will be that of noise makers.

The general public is therefore to be aware that Environment Officers will be deploying these noise makers around different areas of Gibraltar. The first areas to be tackled are South Bastion and Laguna Estate. Residents of these areas are asked not to be alarmed if they hear loud ‘bangs’ in these areas at random times throughout the day, starting on Wednesday 27th February and lasting for a period of two weeks.

The Government will issue further information on additional areas which may then be tackled with this method.

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Feb 25 - Government Criticises GSD Housing Complaints

gibraltar governmentLast week, the GSD Opposition urged the Government to reveal exactly how many Government rental properties will be provided during their first term. The Government has today responded by noting that the housing projects announced to date will cater for approximately 950 flats, about 140 of which have been earmarked for rental.

A Government statement released today added, ‘the exact number will be known once the tenders have been awarded and the exact room composition is known. The Government have announced five housing projects and put three of them to tender in only 14 months. It took the GSD ten years to get to this position. Therefore their continuous nitpicking on these issue lacks any credibility.’

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