• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

June25 - Full Text Of Minister Costa's Budget Speech

Mr Speaker, it is always with a great deal of anticipation that I stand to deliver my Budget Address. As this House knows, this is my sixth Budget Speech and my second as Minister for Tourism, Commercial Affairs, Public Transport and the Port. Mr Speaker, without an ounce of exaggeration, I can tell this House, that it has been an absolute privilege and honour to be able to continue to serve our community during this last financial year in the areas of responsibility entrusted to me by the Hon the Chief Minister. And what a productive year it has been, Mr Speaker!

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June 25 - Full Text Of Minister Licudi’s Budget Speech

Mr Speaker, I have the honour to present my 2nd budget speech for responsibilities that form part of my Ministerial portfolio.

The 9th of December 2011 indeed saw a new dawn for Gibraltar politics. Since that day, my fellow Ministers and I have worked to bring about the agenda for change that the people of Gibraltar elected us to deliver.

The Government has, of course, an overreaching desire, and indeed a duty, to deliver stability, opportunity and growth across all areas for which we, collectively, have responsibility. But it also has a political responsibility to deliver fairness, equality and transparency in governance as well as providing the building blocks of a healthy and vibrant economy.

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Jun 25 - Mayor’s Awards Recognise Local Contributions

mayor tony limaThe Mayor’s Awards Scheme acts to acknowledge individuals who have served Gibraltar in a distinguished manner, over a prolonged period and/ or for a specific event or achievement. Recently, members of the public were invited to submit nomination to the Awards Committee.

The Committee met recently to consider a total of seven nominations. His Worship the Mayor today announced the winners of the Mayor’s Gold Award; including the Committee of the Friends of Mount Alvernia, including Mr and Mrs. Posso. The group was awarded the acknowledgement in recognition of their voluntary, tireless work, undertaken over so many years in so many different fields for the residents of Mount Alvernia.

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Jun 25 - Full Text of Minister Balban’s Budget Speech on Housing, Traffic and Technical Services

balban'Mr Speaker,

I stand here today with a larger portfolio to that which I had last year. Although it gives me great pride to have been entrusted to carry forward greater ministerial and political responsibility, at the same time it deeply saddens me and my Ministerial colleagues as I am sure that it saddens all that knew the late Hon. Charles Bruzon. It really should have been him to stand before you today to give an account of the improvements that were either achieved or initiated by him as Minister for Housing, yet I stand here with great shoes to fill, today delivering a budget speech as Minister for Housing in conjunction with my other responsibilities for Traffic and Technical Services, amidst a contest for his very seat.

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