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Apr 30 - Chief Minister May Day Message Pays Tribute to Chicago Martyrs

picardoChief Minister Fabian Picardo has today stated that May 1st is an essential part of what being a socialist is all about. Reflecting on the reasons for the importance of the day, Mr. Picardo insisted that May 1st commemorates a demonstration held in Chicago in 1886 in favour of the eight-hour working day. The demonstration was disrupted by police gunfire resulting in the death of many who supported that cause. Those who lost their lives became known as the “Chicago Martyrs”.

The day is now commemorated worldwide as ‘Worker’s Day’, in honour of those who died at the demonstration, as well as those who continually campaign for worker’s rights.

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Apr 30 - GSD Disappointed by Ochello Comments on May Day Viewpoint Interview

danny feetham Regarding Unite the Union Leader, Victor Ochello’s recent interview on GBC’s Viewpoint, regarding the withdrawal of Daniel Feetham’s invitation to speak at the May Day Rally, the Opposition has noted that they are disappointed by Mr. Ochello’s comments.

The GSD insists that Mr. Ochello gave a number of contradictory reasons for the issue, during the interview, including fact that the right procedure had not been followed and because the GSD had not declared its support for May Day.

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Apr 30 - Youth Group in Tarifa

tarifaA group of youngsters, part of the Dolphin Youth Club, spent this weekend in a country home located in a residential complex close to Pelayo. The house provided a great opportunity for the youngsters to put into practice, amongst other things, the cooking skills they had previously honed at the club, in view of preparing one of the evening meals.

The terrible weather failed to dissuade the group from undertaking any activities and making the most of their time away from the Rock. The outing proved to be a memorable and fun-filled experience for the group in question. To give an example, horse riding along the shoreline with the sea spray from crashing waves playfully striking their faces, almost obscuring an idyllic view of oncoming storm clouds purposefully approaching over the horizon, was undoubtedly an extraordinary sight for all.

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