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July 01 - Work In Gorham's Cave Starts Next Week – Vanguard Cave Progress Update

The annual excavations at Gorham’s Cave commence next week but scientists have already been working in Vanguard Cave, sister cave to Gorham’s, for about a month and with spectacular results.

The excavations at Vanguard Cave commenced in 2012. Previously, small- scale soundings had indicated the site’s potential. Radio-carbon results from last year revealed that the youngest levels at this site were on the limit of radio- carbon dating, over 40 thousand years ago (kyr), which meant that the entire 17- metre deep sequence would have to be dated by other means. Sampling has been done this year for dating sand grains using the technique of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL); the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the Gibraltar Museum came to a collaborative agreement recently and samples have been taken from the areas so far excavated. This will permit us to know the time frame that Vanguard Cave represents.

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