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Jun 11 - Lithuanian Imprisoned for Theft

court41 year old Lithuanian national resident of La Linea Devidas Povilaitis appeared before the Magistrates Court yesterday, on one charge of Burglary and three charges of Theft.

He pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced to 4 months imprisonment for Burglary and 6 weeks imprisonment on each of the charges for Theft. All sentences to run consecutively.

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Jun 10 - HMGOG Exposes Inaccurate Reports in Europasur

HMGOGThe Government has issued a statement today, categorically denying what it has said are unsubstantiated reports in the Campo Area publication Europasur, regarding her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar “exerting pressure on the company running the Sunborn floating hotel to dismiss Spanish nationals”. 

An anonymous Spanish worker, going by the initials J.L is quoted as saying it is a “great injustice” that HMGOG is carrying out a concerted campaign to reduce the number of Spanish workers in Gibraltar. He goes on to say that British, Russian and Ukrainian employees are not affected. 

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