• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Oct 28 - ESG To Meet Ashley Fox

The Environmental Safety Group is to meet with Conservative MEP Ashley Fox during his visit to Gibraltar this week. The group’s legal adviser, David Dumas QC from Hassan’s International Law Firm, will also be present at the meeting. They will brief Mr. Fox and bring him up to date on the current environmental situation in the Bay so he can address these important issues more effectively in Brussels on the group’s behalf.

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Oct 28 - Police Authority Annual Questionnaire Launched

gpaThe Gibraltar Police Authority today launched its annual questionnaire that aims to ascertain the views of those living and working in Gibraltar on how Gibraltar is policed. The Authority is required in law to draw up and publish an Annual Policing Plan for Gibraltar, which sets out the targets and priorities for policing.  Before doing so, the Authority consults the public. The survey launched today follows the same successful methodology as was introduced in 2011.

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Oct 25 - Smuggling Arrests

customsCustoms officers this week seized a further 89,920 cigarettes and made a number of arrests in several areas over the past few days.

Officers challenged a local man when he was seen acting suspiciously in the Western Beach area, the man was arrested after being found to have 10,000 cigarettes (50 cartons) in his possession. He has been bailed to surrender on November 21st.

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