• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Apr 02 - Couple Reunited During HMS Scott Boat Transfer

hms scott coupleDuring a routine boat transfer to the HMS Scott during its time in Gibraltar this weekend, Deputy Principal Medical Officer of the Princess Royal Medical Centre in Gibraltar, had a chance to be reunited with his wife, who is currently deployed with the HMS Scott.

Chief Survey Recorder Suzie Cook tied the Vessels RHIB up alongside at HM Naval Base where she was met by Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Andy Vale and a bouquet of flower. The couple has spent three months apart since spending Christmas together last December.

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Mar 28 - PDP Urges Government to Attract Banks to Gibraltar

pdpThe PDP takes note of the announcement by Barclays Bank of its review of its Gibraltar operation as part of its general review of its business worldwide.

It hopes that at the end of the review process it will conclude that it should retain its links with the Rock that go back well over 125 years. In the meantime it wishes to express solidarity with the local Management and employees and their desire to retain their jobs and prospects.

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Mar 28 - GSD Voices Concern over IOSCO Non-Compliance

gsdOpposition spokesman for Justice, Home Affairs and Financial Services, Selwyn Figueras, is today seeking clarification and assurances from the Government to allay finance industry concerns stemming from Gibraltar's apparent failure to meet its obligations under the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (‘IOSCO’), namely compliance with the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (‘MMoU’).

“Established in 2002, the MMoU provides a global framework for enforcement co-operation between securities regulators, thereby helping to ensure effective regulation and to preserve the strength of securities markets. Signatories represent approximately 95% of global securities markets, and the IOSCO MMoU is the leading instrument for multi-lateral co-operation in the enforcement of securities regulation. “

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