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Jun 04 - Ocean Village Flotilla - Queen Spotted in Flotilla


Ocean Village Flotilla - Queen Spotted












YGTV has just received a report that Her Majesty the Queen has been spotted in a kayak within the Bay of Gibraltar. Our reporters on the scene sent in this photograph depicting Her Majesty as she tried to clandestinely join the Gibraltar Flotilla. Early indications seem to be that her trip down the Thames yesterday was nowhere near as exciting or sunny as today’s event. YGTV has also been led to believe that she is on a mission to assert Her Sovereignty over British Gibraltar Waters.

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Jun 04 - Ocean Village Flotilla - Reporters on board!

Ov Flotilla - YGTV On Board ReportersYGTV reporters are now onboard their vessels and sending us live updates and pictures from Dolphin World and the Port Authority’s lead vessel General Eliott. The boats are now leaving their berths at Ocean Village Marina and making their way into the Bay of Gibraltar where Minister for Culture, Stephen Linares, will be sounding the klaxon and giving the pageant the signal to commence its journey around the Rock of Gibraltar in honour of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee.

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Jun 04 - Ocean Village - Minister Linares

OV Flotilla - Minister LinaresHis Excellency Sir Adrian Johns, Governor of Gibraltar, Her Majesty’s representative on the Rock, has just addressed the masses at Ocean Village wishing them a safe and enjoyable journey. Mentioning yesterday’s very wet and overcast Thames Flotilla, the Governor was pleased to announce that all we had to worry about in the Gibraltar Flotilla would be sunshine.

He was followed by the Minister for Culture, Stephen Linares, who expressed his gratitude at the organisation of the day and congratulated Ros Astengo for planning such a fantastic event in only a month when the Thames Flotilla took two years to prepare for. Mr Linares thanked everyone present as he prepared to join the lead vessel and launch the Gibraltar Jubilee Flotilla.

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