• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Sep 24 - Opposition Pledges to Step Up Scrutiny of Domestic Issues

feethamThe Opposition, over the last eight weeks. has ‘instituted a deliberate policy to say as little as possible on the current crisis with Spain to give the Government the political space to resolve that crisis’. They also claim that they have not engaged the Government in any intense political battles on domestic issues as they did formally on the Sunborn and Gibraltar Savings Bank.

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Sep 24 - New Station Commander for RAF Gibraltar

raf station commander With RAF Gibraltar’s former Station Commander, Wing Commander Jim Holland having taken a job within 2 Group at Air Command in High Wycombe, a new Wing Commander was recently welcomed. WC Greg ‘Vasco’ Smith comes to Gibraltar from the UK Joint Delegation at NATO’s Strategic Headquarters in Brussels. Wing Commander Smith joined the RAF in 1990 and following Officer and Flying Training was posted to RAF Bruggen in Germany. In 1997 he was selected for the Qualified Weapons Instructor Course (QWI) at RAF Lossiemouth and on successful completion was posted back to Bruggen as the QWI on 14 Squadron overseeing the Squadrons transition to the Tornado GR4.

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Gibraltar Crime Report For 23rd September 2013

rgpFrom 0630hrs the 23/09/2013 to 0630hrs the 24/09/2013


1 Report of Burglary

1 Report of Arson

1 Report Criminal Damage

3 Reports of Theft



1 Person Arrested for Burglary

1 Person Arrested for Concealment of Tobacco

2 Persons Arrested for Breach of Bail Conditions.



During the period covered 2 Traffic Accidents were reported to police