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June 07 - Picardo Writes to Cameron

picardoThe Chief Minister recently wrote to UK Prime Minister David Cameron to request that the OECD and Council of Europe Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters be extended to Gibraltar. Such an extension forms an integral part of the Government of Gibraltar’s continuing policy of having Gibraltar recognised as being at the very forefront of jurisdictions seeking to eradicate tax evasion.

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June 07 - RGP Test Out New Fleet of Jet Bikes and Jet Boat

rgpIn order to tackle anti-social behaviour that has plagued Gibraltar’s beaches in the past, the Government recently purchased high speed Jet Boat. The vessel is powered by two 1500cc engines and is set to help curb and tackle illicit activity being carried out, at sea.

Commissioner of Police, Eddie Yome noted that the vessel, along with two recently commissioned 1500cc jet bikes, would act as a deterrent against irresponsible action among individuals who perform illicit activities around the beaches, including smuggling and dangerously navigating similar vessels of their own. Commissioner Yome thanked the Government for providing them with these tools, which act as an enhancement for the RGP Marine Section.

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June 07 - Childline Conference Success

chilllOver 60 people attended Childline Gibraltar’s multidisciplinary conference earlier this week on the theme of “Working Together to Safeguard Children”. The main speaker on the day was John Cameron, Head of Child Protection Operations at the NSPCC. John managed to cover a wide range of topics on the day, and brought the conference delegates up to date with what has been happening in the UK as a result of the Jimmy Savile case and Operation Yewtree, in which he is heavily involved.

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