• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Aug 02 - YGTV news is evolving

In a decision to bring you up to date news quicker and better than ever before, YGTV has decided to change it's video news. As from today, you the viewer, will be able to watch the latest news as and when it happens. Instead of creating a daily news video at the end of the day, we will be showing you brief clips throughout the day. 

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Aug 02 - Chamber of Commerce Welcomes Barclays' Decision to Stay in Gibraltar

chamber logoThe Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce has today welcomed Barclays’ decision to continue its operation in Gibraltar, even though employee numbers are set to drop over the next few months.

The Chamber explained that their board of directors has met with senior members of Barclays’ UK management team and have also been in contact with the All Party Parliamentary Group in the House of Commons.  The efforts of the Chamber have been directed at persuading them of the value and viability of Barclays’ operations in Gibraltar.

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Aug 02 - Seville University Professor Outlines Gib Artificial Reef

ygtvGibraltar’s newest artificial reef was the topic of discussion in a recent lecture at the University of Seville. Professor of Marine Biology, Jose Carlos Garcia Gomez explained that the hollow concrete blocks are designed to both attract fish and to prevent certain types of fishing in prohibited areas.

Europa Sur notes that the Professor detailed similar reefs that he had seen in Conil and Huelva, which acted as a deterrent to prevent trawlers from fishing less than six miles from the coast. Reefs are also present along the coasts of Malaga, Granada and Almeria.

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