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July 03 - 'Answer The Questions' - GSD Tells Government

The GSD has replied following the Government’s press release yesterday in which it denied any financial assistance for the Sunborn project:

The GSD notes the Government's totally evasive response to the Opposition's statement in relation to the mortgage granted over the Sunborn vessel to Credit Finance Co Limited, a company registered at No 6 Convent Place and owned by the Government and the Gibraltar Savings Bank.

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July 03 - Government: “GSD Public Finances Failures”

The Government have issued another statement in the ongoing debate over public finances:

In their latest response on the state of the public finances, the GSD seem to have finally accepted the fact that they left the incoming GSLP/Liberal Government with just £20 million of usable cash reserves.

They have also finally accepted that the remaining £245 million of cash reserves were not available for use by the Government without breaching the statutory net public debt limit prescribed under the Borrowing Powers Act.

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July 03 - Special Olympics Awareness Programme

To coincide with the UN General Assembly’s upcoming high-level meeting in September regarding the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Special Olympics, the World’s largest sports organisation for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, is embarking on an Awareness Programme targeting policy makers and parliamentarians across Europe and Eurasia.  The Programme will focus on 58 countries within the Special Olympics Europe Eurasia region. The aim of the Awareness Programme is to highlight to Parliamentarians the vital work Special Olympics is doing every single day to improve the lives of millions of people with intellectual disabilities.  This population, of which there are 200 million in the world, often face neglect, unmet health needs, bullying, discrimination and violence in many parts of the world.

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Jul 03 - Lidington Tells Parliament UK Govt is Seeking Explanation on Jet Ski Incident

lidingtonIn response to a question presented in UK Parliament by Labour MP David Crausby, on the recent incident regarding a Guardia Civil vessel discharging shots at a local Jet ski operator, Minister for Europe David Lidington stated, ‘we have protested formally to Spain in the strongest terms following reports by the Royal Gibraltar Police that Spanish Guardia Civil illegally pursued a jet ski in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters on 23rd June and fired non-lethal shots. I spoke directly to Spanish Minister Inigo Mendez de Vigo on 25th June and our charge d’affaires in Madrid was sent in to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to reiterate the formal protest.

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