• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Nov 12 - Equality Rights Group Pushes HIV Awareness Campaign

hugs aids The Equality Rights Group has today launched a HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in association with events company Omi Palone, and as a lead-up to World Aids Day on 1 December. Throughout the month, a range of posters debunking basic and incorrect information on HIV/AIDS will be distributed ]as a first step in properly informing the public’.

Omi’s CEO River Pinfold and his team coined the idea of designing and distributing awareness posters as a way of leading up to an event called ‘The Red Event’ on Saturday 30th November at Dusk, Ocean Village. As a rights organisation, ERG is very keen to foster and encourage businesses with a social conscience in Gibraltar, and we’re happy to join forces with their team on this important issue.

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Nov 12 - Frontier Queues Reach 4 Hour Mark

frontier queueWith Guardia Civil checks at the Frontier once again taking a turn for the worse, queues have been exceptionally long over the past few days. Yesterday afternoon saw a hefty pedestrian queue start to form at around 4pm. During the evening, tailbacks for Motorbikes and cars reached the two hours mark, and this afternoon the RGP has claimed that the estimated queuing time at 2pm was 4 hours.

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Nov 12 - Fancy Dress and Party Supply Specialists Open for Business

mad hattersOpen now in the Casemates Arcade, specialist fancy dress and party ware retailer Mad Hatters Party offers a huge variety of popular costumes and caters for themed parties. The shop saw a huge rush leading up to the Halloween period. Vicky Bula explained that some of the most popular costumes were the full body morph suits and the DC superheroes costumes. The shop is owned by Ali Ebrahim.

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Nov 12 - GSD Constitution Changes to See Party Leader Election Following General Election

gsdThe GSD this week approved a new party Constitution updating their original policy, agreed upon in 1990, during the constitution of the Party. During a meeting of the Executive it was decided that the new constitution should ‘open up democracy further within the Party’, with changes dealing with elections of Executive Committee members and the election of the Leader of the party. The Leader of the Party will now be voted by the membership and the Executive and the Executive of the GSD after every General Election, as part of a weighted 60% (members) and 40% (Executive) system.

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