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Aug 05 - Foreign Office Urges Spain to Stick to Cordoba Agreement

spanish flagIn sight of the heavy measures outlined by Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo in an attempt to seriously clamp down on frontier controls and help fishermen who Sr. Margallo claims have been affected by the implementation of an artificial reef in BGTW, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has reiterated it’s position on Gibraltar’s sovereignty, claiming that the UK will not compromise it.

The FCO adds that political difference will be resolved through political mean and not through disproportionate measures such as the border delays. The UK Government wishes to continue to have a strong relationship with the Government of Spain.

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Aug 05 - Calpe Conference to Cover Caves as Archives

caveThis year’s Calpe Conference, held in Gibraltar by the Gibraltar Museum and GONHS aims to answer the question ‘how do we access the datasets required for detailed scientific enquiry at such an enormous temporal scale?’

With Gibraltar being at the forefront of some of these areas of research: the Gibraltar Museum and the GONHS Cave Science Unit are, together with their international collaborators, important players in the fields of archaeology, geomorphology and climate science.

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Aug 05 - Spanish Author continues to show his support for Gibraltar

Spanish FlagSpanish Author sends through another article, showing us that it's not just Gibraltarian people that are against the current frothier problems that have escalated recently. Below is a copy of the article sent to us. 

ESCRACHES A LA GUARDIA CIVILHace casi nueve meses que me fui a vivir a Gibraltar y desde el primer día he venido advirtiendo que la situación que crea el Gobierno español en la frontera iba a acabar reventando y, lamentablemente, he tenido razón.

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Aug 05 - UKIP MEP Urges British Government to Send a Frigate

william dartmouthA statement from UKIP MEP for South West England & Gibraltar, William Dartmouth, on yesterday’s threats from the Spanish Government:

"Following the latest escalation by the Spanish Government over Gibraltar with the Spanish Foreign Minister threatening a range of actions including blocking of the peninsula's airspace, William Dartmouth, UKIP Euro MP for Gibraltar has said, “It is time that the Government pulled its finger out and stopped mouthing diplomatic niceties to Madrid. It is becoming obvious that the Spanish Prime Minister, caught up in a corruption scandal and with a tanking economy with over 50% of their youth out of work needs a distraction, and their futile claims over Gibraltar seem to fit his bill.

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