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Mar 28 - GSD Continues to Probe Government for Inconvenient Answer

gsdThe Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham, yesterday assured the Chief Minister that no one in the GSD is angry at either him or the Government. “What we are” said Mr. Feetham “is concerned, along with many others members of the community, that Mr. Picardo seems determined not to provide information he finds inconvenient”. 

The GSD insists that they have seen this in relation to the refusal by the Government to state who invited the Chief Minister and Dr Cortes together with their spouses to the Washington Presidential inauguration events, which reportedly cost up to US$100,000 and what (if any) arrangements the Government has in place with that person or company.  At the end of the day the Opposition is entitled to scrutinise any such arrangements including whether they provide the taxpayer with value for money or whether they are susceptible to scrutiny in other ways.  Most people in Gibraltar have been astonished that the Government has refused to answer what have been very simple questions from the Opposition.

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Mar 28 - Government Prepares Tender for Permanent Power Solution

governmentWith regards to the Government’s permanent solution to Gibraltar’s power supply demands, the Inter Ministerial Committee on Power Generation, which is chaired by the Chief Minister, has concluded its consideration of the options available to Gibraltar for a new power station.

The Committee has considered all fuel options for electricity generation and all possible locations. The Government has carried out studies on pollution and emissions from different fuel and engine types.

Tenders for the development of the new Power station are expected to finalised and issued within the next six to eight weeks.

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Mar 28 - Fire Destroys Almost 30 Motorbikes

rgpFollowing a fire that occurred in Moorish Castle Estate very early this morning, the RGP are working with the City Fire Brigade on an investigation. The incident saw approximately 20 motorbikes get completely obliterated by the blaze.

The force is currently unsure of the cause of the fire and whether it was provoked.

Local reports are claiming at an elderly man who witnessed the fire, died of a heart attack. The RGP has said that the death is not linked to the incident.

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