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Jan 10 Opposition’s Press Release Is A Distortion Of The Truth

Gibraltar GovernmentThe Opposition’s latest press release concerning a person with mental health problems is nothing more than a distortion of the truth and a typical attempt at scaremongering using vulnerable people to make political capital.

The matter relates to a person who was charged with a very serious offence at the end of 2012 and was remanded in custody at the time. Although he has attended court every 7 days since then as is usual procedure for people remanded in custody, a bail application for his release was not made until last month.

The Opposition suggest that there has been no support for this person from the mental health services. This is not the case. The mental health team have been working closely with the prison to ensure that all necessary treatment and support is provided.

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Jan 09 - GSD Reveals ‘Shocking Failure of Vulnerable Mental Health Patient’

gsdThe GSD has today criticised the Government for allowing a ‘vulnerable and mentally ill person, deemed by medical professionals not fit to stand trial, to be transferred from prison, where he has been awaiting trial on remand, to the KGV Hospital.

The Party insists that the family of the individual has appealed to Government Ministers for a proper care plan for him. They add that he has been denied the proper care necessary during his time in prison.

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