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Nov 15 - EU Commission Letter to Government of Gibraltar

govtIn an effort to offer ‘complete transparency’ on the EU Commission’s recently released recommendations for both Gibraltar and Spain following a fact finding mission to the Frontier in September, the Government has released a copy of the Commission’s letter to the Government today, upon the release of their statement on the matter.

The letter reads as follows:

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Nov 15 - Lidington Welcomes EU Commission’s ‘Strong Recommendations’ to Spanish Government

lidingtonCommenting on the EU Commission’s statement on unlawful frontier checks this afternoon, Minister for Europe David Lidington has insisted that they are making ‘strong recommendations to the Spanish government to improve the situation in Gibraltar’.

Minister Lidington welcomed the announcement of clear recommendations for Spain to improve the functioning of the Gibraltar-Spain border and follow up within six months. Commenting on the matter, he said, ‘Unacceptable border delays of up to four hours continue to impact on peoples’ lives in and around Gibraltar.

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Nov 15 Government Response to EU Statement

Gibraltar GovernmentCommission Statement Contains Very Positive Recommendations

Her Majesty's Government of Gibraltar notes that the EU Commission has said it has "found no evidence" during its one day visit to the Gibraltar land frontier with Spain that the frontier checks being carried out by Spain are contrary to EU treaty requirements. This finding flies in the face of the reality being experienced by commuters and travellers and will serve only to encourage the sort of bullying tactics that have characterised the past four months at the frontier. The Gibraltar Government joins the British Government in considering that the recent increased checks are unlawful and politically motivated.

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