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Sep 19 - How Would Gibraltar Vote? Chronicle Launches Opinion Poll

The Gibraltar Chronicle is conducting a political opinion poll which has been distributed to addresses across Gibraltar. The survey comes hot on the heels of the GSLP-Liberal administration’s celebration of 1,000 days in office and the Chief Minster’s comment there were around 500 days left before the next general election. It is the first opinion poll conducted by the local daily since the GSLP-Libs won the election in December 2011.

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Sep 19 - Public Sector Magazine Launched

gov.gi A new magazine aimed at providing a platform for civil servants to voice their ideas and views has been launched by the Government Press Office. ‘gov.gi’ will be produced in-house and distributed to the entire public sector. Developed by the No.6 Press Office team, the first edition includes articles form many of the Ministries and special features on particular jobs including Port Duty Officer, a tax officer ad the Deputy Chief Minister.

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