• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Jul 08 - Government Insists GSD Sunborn Statement in ‘Ridiculous’

govtIn reply to the GSD’s most recent statement on the Sunborn Hotel, the Government has stated that ‘It is incredible that the Opposition should issue yet another statement on the Sunborn hotel only four days after they were heavily beaten in a by-election where they chose to make this a key campaign issue. They have clearly learnt nothing.’

The Government goes in to insist that the GSD need to understand that answers in Parliament will be given to questions that they ask, and not to the questions that they have not asked.

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