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June 13 - Sunborn Reclamation will NOT Proceed

The Government has now carefully considered the views put to it by the Development and Planning Commission in relation to the proposed reclamation in Marina Bay which was originally proposed as a car park for the Sunborn Hotel project.

Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia and Environment Minister Dr John Cortes have met separately also with the ESG and some residents of the area of Tradewinds.

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June 13 - Gibraltar Museum Lecture Series: History of a Port

dDr Geraldine Finlayson will be giving the third of the current Museum Lecture Series. The theme will revolve around Gibraltar as a port. The strategic geographical location of Gibraltar, between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and straddling two continents, has attracted maritime activity since its very origins. Dr Finlayson will show how recent research is indicating that eastern Mediterranean mariners may have been reaching the Strait as far back as 3,500 years ago. These may have been pioneering incursions by early Greeks that were consolidated later by the colonisation of the area by Phoenicians and Carthaginians. Dr Finlayson will trace the locations of the early ports associated with Gibraltar.

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Jun 13 - Upper Town Beautification Project Outlined

cortes viagasAs an issue recently covered by YGTV, the announcement by Minister for Urban Renewal Dr. John Cortes on the beautification and renewal project of the Upper Town, was very much welcomed today by the press. The plan covers the opening up of a number of areas, including a garden situated between Castle Ramp and the Engineer’s Lane Car Park. The project will also see extensive street beautification and new links developed between Road to the Lines and Castle Road.

Dr. Cortes insisted that the Government wished to develop the Upper Town as a destination, perhaps even for tourists. He noted that following these works, he hoped to see retailers and restaurants open up in the area.

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