• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Nov 19 - GSD Raises Questions Regarding Gibtelecom Share Purchase

The GSD Opposition notes the Government’s announcement on Monday of the purchase by it of the 50% shareholding held by Telekom Slovenije, the Slovenian state-owned company. The GSD also notes the Government’s explanation describing the move as ‘strategic’ in nature given that it wants to have control (by exclusively holding all the shares) as to who the next partner will be.

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Nov 19 - Government Notes Publication Of Commission’s Letter To Spain On Frontier

The Government notes the publication in the media of the European Commission’s letter to Spain following the second inspection visit to the frontier in July of this year.

It will be recalled that the European Commission carried out a first visit on 25 September 2013 and made a series of recommendations in November of that year to both Gibraltar and to Spain. Those recommendations were to be implemented within six months. The Government of Gibraltar immediately set about carrying out the recommendations made by the Commission. This included the construction of physical infrastructural works at the border as well as taking administrative and legislative steps. Gibraltar met the Commission deadline.

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Nov 18 – “A dark, intense and demanding play…” Local Playwright Julian Felice Talks About ‘Catharsis’

‘Catharsis’, a new play written and directed by Julian Felice, starts this week at the Bayside Drama Studio. We caught up with Julian and spoke about the play and his other projects…

YGTV: What is your latest play Catharsis about?

Julian: Catharsis is about a man who cannot sleep. A frustrated artist, he is going through a difficult time in his life and is almost on the verge of an emotional breakdown. There are many tensions in his life and in his relationships with the people around him - his girlfriend, his friends, his co-workers. In order to find answers and solutions, he takes to going for long walks at night, and this exposes him to a sinister underworld in which he feels alternately threatened, yet, at other times, at ease. His failure to find answers leads him to take increasing risks and, as he descends further into this self-destructive spiral, his actions start affecting those closest to him.

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Nov 18 - RGP Dog Section Training

As part of the continuing development of the Royal Gibraltar Police Dog Section, Sergeants Finlayson and Pisarello have recently attended and successfully completed a five week Explosive Dog Detection course with the South Yorkshire Police. The handlers and both dogs are now fully licensed and will immediately become operational.

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