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Aug 25 - RGP question Guardia Civil Divers

RGP - Gibraltar PoliceThe Royal Gibraltar Police this afternoon responded to reports of divers in the area of the Western Anchorage where the artificial reef was recently laid. The divers in question were seen to be members of a Guardia Civil diving squad. They were questioned about their activities and they claimed to be searching for computer equipment which had been lost during Sunday’s operation to deal with the fishing protest. They were asked to leave the area and they complied with the request continuing to dive in Spanish waters north of the Spanish breakwater.

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Aug 23 - Royal Gibraltar Regiment Selection Weekend

rgrNext weekend will see the Royal Gibraltar Regiment carry out a selection weekend for those interested in joining. Individuals will learn about the Regiment and the 21 different types of job on offer The Royal Gibraltar Regiment is also looking for Reserve soldiers so you can enjoy all the benefits of being part of the British Army whilst continuing your current employment.

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