• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Jan 29 - Meet and Talk Forum

Meet and Talk Forum gibraltarHer Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar is pleased to note the success of the Meet & Talk Forum organised by the Bland Group and the Meet & Talk Forum team.

The Forum has brought together top agencies and meeting planners from the UK and Europe specialising primarily in the meetings, incentive, conference and exhibitions market. The Forum has helped to highlight the  excellent products and services available in Gibraltar for this market.

The Gibraltar Tourist Board sponsored a welcome reception for those attending the forum on the eve of the opening day. The reception was attended by the Hon Neil Costa MP, Minister for Tourism, Commercial Affairs, Public Transport and the Port and the Hon John Cortes MP, Minister for Health and the Environment.

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Jan 29 - Heroes Welcome Launch

Heroes Welcome GibraltarEarlier today Gibraltar launched a campaign to encourage businesses and organisations to show their support for armed forces personnel in a practical way. The scheme, ‘Heroes Welcome’ was launched in 2008 by Scarborough businessman, John Senior, a former TA officer, and it has now spread to many parts of the UK and overseas territories. It is a scheme which offers support and recognition to the men and women who put their lives at risk and to whom we all owe so much.

The Chief Minister, the Mayor and Commander British Forces joined John Senior to launch Gibraltar’s ‘Heroes Welcome’ campaign at City Hall. 

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Jan 29 - Special Olympics Update

Gibraltar Special Olympics TeamHi everyone, an update for those of you who, for any number of reasons may not have been able to watch the Opening Ceremony.  Well, it all went Gangham style!!!! honest.
There was one special moment during the parade of athletes when Gibraltar, led by a dancing Virginia caused the American commentator, Jason Lee to exclaim with a delighted laugh "Well look at her, she's ready to go!"  That's our girl...

GO VIRGINA and all the team.
The ceremony was a delightful mix of beauty, grace, colour, dance and Korean music, embodying the theme "co-existence and harmony".

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