• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Nov 22 - GONHS Welcomes Nature Protection Act Amendments

gonhsThe Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS) has welcomed the £600 fine imposed recently imposed on the captain of the Spanish fishing boat, Divina Providencia for the offence of fishing with rakes contrary to the current provisions of the Nature Protection Act 1991 (NPA).

The group calls on the Government of Gibraltar not to give in to Spanish incursions by weakening our robust wildlife protection laws and further urges the Commissioner of Police to enforce the provisions of the NPA in BGTW and on land.

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Nov 22 - Charity Walk Raises Funds for Childline

bobby stokes charity In aid of Childline Gibraltar, Service Police Officer, Master-At-Arms Bobby Stokes will next week carry out a 24-hour charity walk in fancy dress. He is offering the chance to win a cash prize to those who donate £1 and can guess how far Bobby will walk over the 24 hour period. The person closest to his actual distance covered will win half of the total amount raised.

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Nov 22 - Sir John Inaugurates Major Philanthropy Conference

john major Gibraltar’s inaugural philanthropic event, hosted by the Philanthropy Forum, was launched by former Prime Minister, Sir John Major, at a dinner event held in the Airport’s Wessex Lounge on Monday. Sir John is the Senior Advisor to Credit Suisse who, along with EY, Hassans and Isolas, founded the Forum earlier this year. Other attendees included the Chief Minister and Education Minister Gilbert Licudi.

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Nov 21 - Picardo Radio 4 Statement Taken Out of Context by Spanish Media

picardoThe Government of Gibraltar has today corrected the misunderstanding made by certain Spanish media outlets reporting on the Chief Minister’s statements on yesterday’s BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme. They note that some media outlets have significantly altered the meaning and intention of Mr Picardo’s statements, taking them out of context.

For example Europa Press, claimed, ‘Picardo has warned of the risk that Guardia Civil patrols continue ‘their incursions into BGTW without advance warning and, when coming in from the sun, remaining unidentifiable for those carrying out provisioning of British or American vessels.’

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