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May 08 - Barbary Macaque Management Plan Outlined

apesThe Government of Gibraltar has announced its Barbary Macaque Management Plan and is now preparing an implementation schedule which will include a public launch.

The Plan, which has been prepared in consultation with experts in Gibraltar and abroad, incorporates a number of actions aimed at improving a wide range of aspects of Gibraltar’s famous monkeys.

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May 08 - Argus Insurance Opens New Doors

argusArgus Insurance has just completed the first phase of a two phase refurbishment programme of their offices in Regal House. Customers visiting the offices this week will have noticed that they have been redirected to the new and improved entrance on the corner of Queensway and Reclamation Road. This is all part of a major investment into a new and expanded office footprint, improved working environment for employees and an enhanced experience for visiting customers.

General Manager, Tyrone Montovio, commented, ‘this is an exciting development for Argus and demonstrates our continued commitment to overall growth and to our customers and staff here in Gibraltar.’

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May 08 - Queen Defends Gibraltar Sovereignty in Parliament Opening Speech

text news During Her Majesty the Queen’s speech at the annual opening of the UK Parliament this morning, she touched upon the issue of the sovereignty of the UK’s Overseas Territories. Commenting on the matter, the Queen noted, ‘My government will ensure the security, good governance and development of the Overseas Territories, including by protecting the Falkland Islanders’ and Gibraltarians’ right to determine their political futures’. A speech is read by the Queen annually from Throne in the House of Lords. All members of Parliament and the House of Lords are present at the event, which usually sees Her Majesty outline the Government’s policies for the new parliamentary session.

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