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Apr 09 - Spaniard charged with Local Theft

rgpFollowing a report of theft by an eighty-eight year old local woman who had property stolen whilst waiting for a bus on Europa Road, a thirty-three year old Spanish national has been arrested and charged with theft. The incident occurred on Friday the 5th of April 2013.

Maria Tamara Polo Sabalete, aged thirty-three and a resident of La Linea was arrested on the day of the incident by officers of the Neighbourhood Policing Unit and charged with one count of theft. She was bailed out to appear to appear at the Magistrate’s Court at 1000hrs the 8th of April.


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Apr 09 - Sustainable Traffic Plan – Data Collection Period to Heavily Involve the Public

press callAs part of the Government’s on-going Sustainable Traffic plan, the Department of Traffic will be carrying out a 10 week data collection period that will include volunteers from a number of Government departments carrying out roadside interviews with vehicle drivers, pedestrians and those taking public transport. They will also carry out door-to-door surveys.

The aim of the data collection, insisted Minister for Traffic, Paul Balban, is to address a worsening problem that Gibraltar is too small for its amount of traffic. Also involved in the initiative are Ministers for the Environment and Tourism John Cortes and Neil Costa.

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Apr 09 - Banker’s Association Donates Smart Boards to Comprehensive Schools

licudiThe Gibraltar Banker’s Association recently donated three ‘smart boards’ costing over £7,000 to both of Gibraltar’s Comprehensive Schools and the Gibraltar College. Christian Garcia of the Association this morning joined the head teachers of Westside, Bayside and the Gibraltar College in watching a class in motion, whilst using the smart board.

The interactive board allows students to get more involved in a lesson and helps to retain their interest.

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