• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

June 05 - Parliamentary and Democratic Reform Report Tabled in Parliament

parliamentYesterday morning the Commission for Parliamentary and Democratic Reform’s report was tabled in Parliament. A number of recommendations were laid out before MPs with both the Governing and Opposition parties giving their views on each matter. Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham insisted that his party had always been in favour of the recommendation to expand the seats available in Parliament, he suggested that the current 17 seats be expanded to 25, allowing for a section of back benchers who would focus primarily on constituency work.

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June 05 - Gibraltar’s First Ever Pride Event Announced

egrThe equality rights group ERG-GGR is pleased to announce that this year Gibraltar will be celebrating its first ever official Pride event on Saturday 15th June. Doors open at 10pm until 5am. It is Pride and not just ‘gay Pride’ because it is a celebration of friendship and diversity right across all our adult community. It is inclusive, not exclusive and everyone is welcome.

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