• Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins
  • Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins

    The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that although Gibraltar prefers a treaty to govern our relationship with the European Union, there are fundamental red lines which the Government is not prepared to cross in order to achieve it. Dr Garcia was speaking in Brighton today at the annual party conference of the U.K. Liberal Democrats. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Apr 29 - Convent Calls for Honour Nominations

queens honour The Officer of the Governor is requesting the public submit nominations for the ‘New Year’s Honour List 2014’ and the ‘Gibraltar Award’ by no later than Friday 17th May. The Gibraltar Honours Board will meet on 31st May 2013 to consider nominations to be put forward.

At a special investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace earlier this year, HM The Queen invested three Gibraltarians with Honours. Mr Louis Wink and Mr Karel Mark Chichon were invested as Officers of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) for Services to the Royal Gibraltar Police and services to music and culture in Gibraltar, respectively. Mr Richard Labrador was also recognised for Services to Health and Safety and invested as a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE).

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Apr 29 - Unite the Union May Day Message

unite the union Celebrating Workers Day, as it does every year, the Gibraltar branch of Unite the Union has marked the ‘special date’ to commemorate the struggle of workers all over the world. Victor Ochello, Regional Officer for the Unite Branch commented that this May Day marks the Union’s achievement of accomplishing last year’s commitment to consolidate and re activate the Gibraltar Trades Council.

Commenting of the speaker’s to be addressing the public on Wednesday’s rally in Casemates Square, Mr. Ochello noted that Manuel Cortes a born Gibraltarian who has managed to break his way through in the United Kingdom as the General Secretary of a U.K union, will speak.

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Apr 29 - Museum Lectures Begin This Week

museumThe present series of museum lectures, on the history of Gibraltar, opens on Tuesday 30th April at 7pm at the John Mackintosh Hall. The series explores the history of Gibraltar in five parts.

The first lecture will be given by Professor Clive Finlayson with the title “The History of Gibraltar in Five Parts: Part One – History of a Beacon”. Professor Finlayson will take listeners through a journey in time, exploring the attraction that the Rock of Gibraltar has had to people through the ages. From Neanderthals, through the classical period and the Pillars of Hercules, past Jbel Tarik the talk will consider the impact of the Rock in defining an identity, culminating with the way in which Gibraltarians related to the Rock during the evacuation, the closed frontier years and today.

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