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Aug 18 – Cuervas-Mons Highlights Spanish Hypocrisy Over Smuggling Claims


By Rafael Rossello Cuervas-Mons

Marianito está que babea de satisfacción porque unos inspectores de la UE le han hecho los coros y han firmado un papelito que dice que en Gibraltar se hace contrabando de tabaco y se blanquea el dinero con lo que ha quedado clarísimo que en la UE también están los más tontos de cada casa.

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Aug 14 - MEP Dartmouth Claims Tobacco Smuggling Issues are 'Just a Distraction and Excuse'

rgp During his visit, which included a tour around the new frontier implementations on the Gibraltar side, by No.6 Principal Secretary Caine Sanchez, he met with current Chief Minister Gilbert Licudi. The principal aim for his trip, however, follows a question the Earl tabled to new European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker regarding free movement in the EU, which the Earl claims Mr. Juncker believes is an ‘absolutely fundamental tenant of the EU’. ‘But there doesn’t seem to be free movement, or sufficient free movement between Gibraltar and Spain…’ the Earl insisted.

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