• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 06 - Cycle for Charity

cycling for charityTomorrow a group of five cyclists will carry out a 635 kilometre cycle from Fatima in Portugal in order to collect funds towards local registered charities, Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's and Dementia support groups. The cyclists will average 130 Kms.
The group, made up of Mark Bates, Jimmy Alcantara, Peter Ignacio, Anthony Yusifredo and Ian Howes will arrive back in Gibraltar at around 11.15hrs on Saturday the 11th when they will cycle towards Casemates.

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May 06 - Government Celebrates Over A Year of Transparency During Planning Process

development and planning commission The Government has today claimed that the openness of the Development and Planning Commission has proved extremely popular amongst the public and the press. Once the Government was elected, it was announced that DPC meetings would be held in public and would include the Environmental safety Group as a full voting member.

Members of the public, including those objecting to Planning applications also now have the right to address the Commission, as long as the DPC is notified in advance.

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May 06 - Picardo in Madrid

cmThe Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, is travelling to Madrid today to fulfill a number of engagements. Mr Picardo is attending a lunch hosted by the Association of European Journalists who will be briefed on Gibraltar affairs. These lunches are periodically held with top politicians and business personalities for strict off-the-record briefings to serve as background to journalists.

During his stay in Madrid, the Chief Minister will also give interviews to prominent Spanish and foreign correspondents.

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May 06 - Queen’s Cinema to be Converted into Gibraltar National Theatre

queens cinema During a press call this morning, the Chief Minister announced the commencement of the process towards converting the former Queen’s Cinema into Gibraltar New National Theatre. The flagship project is part of the Government’s manifesto commitment to provide a new modern theatre for Gibraltar.

The former Queen’s Cinema site was purchased for £3.5 million from the Benetar family and will undergo an extensive refurbishment programme. Speaking to YGTV about why the Government chose that site to hold Gibraltar’s new theatre, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo explained, ‘if you think about the plot and the fact that it’s got road access on both sides, it’s close to a car park, it’s in an area where we believe we can bring all the trucks necessary for touring productions. It’s also got the size that we need it to have.’

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