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May 16 - Parliament Discusses Works to Power Station Distribution System

parliamentDuring yesterday evening’s Parliament session, in response to questions from the Opposition on the recent incorporation of the temporary power station at the North Mole and whether this still meant that there was a need for a high voltage network system, Minister with responsibility for Utilities, Steven Linares explained that with the commissioning of the Temporary Power Station, new high voltage cables were laid between the site at the North Mole and the Waterport Power Station. Minister Linares added that these new cables had reinforced the high voltage network accordingly.  In response, Opposition member Jaime Netto asked whether the Minister believed that the whole grid needed to be reinforced.

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Gibraltar Crime Report for 15th May

rgpMedia – Police Reports

From 0700hrs 15/05/13 to 0700hrs 16/05/13



1 person arrested for Possession of a commercial quantity of tobacco

1 person for Burglary

1 person arrested for Assault

1 person arrested for being in possession of a prohibited import

1 person arrested for Obstructing Police

One person arrested on warrants

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May 16 - GSD Rejects Double Standards Claim – Calls Government Petty

gsdThe Opposition has voiced their astonishment at the Government’s pettiness within press releases. They insist that if the administration spent more time ‘ getting on with the job they were elected to do, they might be delivering some of the change that they promised people at the last election.’

The GSD notes that the latest petty press release concerns the issuing of public statements after questions have been lodged by the Opposition, a matter that we have not raised publicly in relation to this Parliamentary session.

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