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May 08 - RGP Commissioner Yome Examines First Year in Office

commissioner yomeOne year into RGP Commissioner Eddie Yome’s tenure in office and all appears well. Crime rates have seen a reduction of 18% and Commissioner Yome’s vision of the Police service returning to its roots at the centre of the community. During a press conference held yesterday afternoon, Commissioner Yome explained that his main priority was to reorganise the way the RGP does business, he added that this meant rearranging policing resources, all with a view to establishing the Neighbourhood Policing model as a flagship policy of the organisation. He insisted that he continues to seek to deliver a professional service, with a more personal approach to community interaction.

This new approach to policing has seen more constables within the community, officers engaging with the elderly and youth and working in conjunction with youth groups and schools.

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May 08 - Power Station Tenders Invited by the Government

govtThe Government has today invited tenders for a new proposed 80MegaWatt gas fired power station, set to be located in a reclaimed area off the North Mole. The project has come about as the result of an inter-ministerial committee on power generation. The Government claims that the power station with guarantee Gibraltar’s power and energy needs for decades to come. A number of the engines will be duel fired so diesel may be burned, should gas supplies ever not be available.

The tender covers the design, manufacture and construction of the project, which should be able to deliver a net guaranteed heat rate of 42MW, with an output range of 7 to 15MW each.

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May 08 - Mayor in Madeira Visit

mayor tony lima His Worship the Mayor, Anthony Lima will be travelling to Madeira today, where he will be undertaking a number of Official engagements.

A programme for his visit has been arranged by the Madeira Camara de Turismo, which includes a meeting with the Mayor of Funchal Senhor Filipe Machado de Albuquerque who will shortly be retiring. His Worship will also meet other officials. Discussions will centre on the possibility of giving further tangible effect to the Twinning arrangements with Gibraltar which were approved in 2009.

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May 08 - GSD Calls For Straightforward Answers on Flotel

gsdWith regards to the Sunborn Flotel Project, the GSD has taken note of the Government’s reply. They insist that the Government’s recent statement is ‘yet another stark illustration of the extent to which the GSLP's "a New Dawn" election mantra in 2011 is proving to be a “False Dawn”.  This Government’s defence to practically every criticism is, generally, ‘we’re only doing what the previous administration did before us,’ i.e., ‘everything that we so vocally criticised before we edged into office in December 2011 is now fair game...’

Be that as it may, the Opposition notes that the Government has omitted to answer any of the questions raised in the Opposition’s original statement and will, for the avoidance of doubt, repeat them in a concise manner:

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