• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 07 - Plater Youth Club Horse-riding Trip

horse riding On Sunday 5th May 2013, a group of young people from Plater Youth Club made the most of a fantastic horse riding day trip. The trip had been organised some time ago with Aventura Equestre, the main horse riding stable in Tarifa. Rebecca Figueras and Kristle Rawlinson accompanied the group on this fun filled day, which had proved to be an unforgettable experience for all involved.

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May 07 - GSD Concern Over Increase in Tobacco Smuggling

Gibraltar GSDGSD Opposition Spokesman for Justice, Selwyn Figueras, has today signalled his party’s support for the provision of a permanent berth in sheltered waters on the East Side of the rock for use by our law enforcement agencies, promised by the Government at the time of the last general election, to assist in the fight against seaborne and other forms of tobacco smuggling activity in the area.

Mr Figueras explained that: “It is neither a secret nor a surprise that the incidence of ever bolder acts of tobacco smuggling on the East Side,

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May 07 - Opposition Questions Sunborn Planning Process

gsdFollowing the last meeting of the Development and Planning Commission (‘DPC’), the GSD Opposition is concerned at the extent to which the proposed Floating Hotel in the Marina Bay complex appears to be a done deal.

A Shadow Inter-Ministerial Committee made up of Opposition spokesmen for planning, environment and tourism, (Selwyn Figueras, Jaime Netto and Damon Bossino, respectively) has been formed to review all relevant issues being raised with the Opposition in respect of this particular Government project.

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