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Jul 08 - Garcia Urges MEPs “To Be Vigilant Of Gibraltar's Interests”

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has told MEPs in Brussels that they “need to be vigilant of Gibraltar's interests” in the European Union given the continuing campaign by Spain to undermine its position. The new MEPs, who were elected in May, formally took office on 1 July and the Government's initiative is designed to put across the Gibraltar point of view as early as possible in the Parliamentary term.

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Jul 08 - Budget Speech By Edwin Reyes

Mr Speaker,

I already mentioned last year that the present Government had acted responsibly in continuing to pursue UNESCO World Heritage status for Gorham’s Cave and its adjacent sites.  Indeed, work in this respect had commenced via the Museum Team during my tenure as Minister for Heritage and, therefore, I continue to wish the Museum Team all the best for the future in their ongoing excavations at Gorham’s and Vanguard’s Caves which normally mainly take place during the summer months.

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